Choose a free book
If you post a review of any one of our members' books - on Amazon, Goodreads or a blog etc (preferably multiple sites ☺ ), then we will send you one of these books for free as a thank you. It will be on a first come first served basis with each book available once only, and only once per person (though it would be lovely if you'd review the free book too!). Email us the link to your review, and your choice of book and we'll do the rest. This offer will only run for a limited time (until we've spent our allocated budget) so if it goes too well we'll have to close the offer, so unfortunately we cannot make any guarantees. Offer not open to members, their families, or cronies ☺). We retain the right not to send you a book if your approach to us lacks authenticity, because we'd quite like to avoid scammers.
