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Anthology of Sheffield Authors work now free to download

We have put together this collection of short stories, first chapters - and have thrown in a couple of poems for good measure.


We appreciate the Yorkshire sense of being careful with your money, so here you can check out the writing of some of our members without parting "wi' thi brass."


We'd welcome your feedback and reviews.

Download from: 

Amazon for Kindle


Barnes and Noble













If you have ideas for events you'd like to see us run, please get in touch.

Possible ideas include a workshop on the technicalities of indie-publishing. 

Off the Shelf 2016


Crosspool Summer Fair, Sunday 26th June 12- 4p.m: Take a little piece of Sheffield with you to the beach. Come and meet us and see if there's a book we can recommend for your holiday reading.

The winners in our Off the Shelf short story competition were: 


1st Sarah Peacock with After the Fire

Sarah won a Kindle Fire and her stroy will be published in December's Now Then magazine

2nd Emma Hutson with Footsteps

3rd Dave Johnstone with The South of Yorkshire see Dave's brilliant story here: Dave's website


 Some of the other entries are published on our page "other stuff"



Broomhill Festival:


We ran an evening for sharing Sheffield stories on FRIDAY 10 JUNE 7.00 - 9.00p.m. at Broomhill Library entitled: A Sense of Sheffield, for people wondering about writing their autobiogrpahy, a family history, or simply with some ideas, or photos that tell a story. Some  were simply interested in Sheffield stories and how writers create a sense of place.

    The discussion, illustrated by short readings from Sheffield novels, was led by Sheffield Authors: Berlie Doherty, Steven Kay, Anne Grange and Katherine Blessan. Some lovely writing was done by those participating too, 

Our market stall at Sharrow Vale Road Christmas market: December 2015 and 2016

Off The Shelf Event: Tuesday 13th October 2015

Does everyone really have a novel in them? Do you?


    We'd love to welcome you to our first gig: an Off the Shelf event on indie-publishing. There is now a huge market in independent publishing: some of it superb, but some of it awful. How do you elevate yourself about the mediocre and the dross?

    We'll discuss the pros and cons of the DIY route compared to traditional publishing and show you how to avoid the pitfalls. We want this event to be inclusive so come and join the discussion. 

    There will be tea and cake!


Self publishing event
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