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Susan Day

Sue has been writing since she was seven – and, she says – that’s a long time.


    She has completed half a dozen novels (of varying lengths and quality) and finally in 2015 had the nerve to publish one: Who Your Friends Are.


Sue was born in the suburbs of North London, but has lived in Sheffield for more than thirty years, and taught in several Sheffield secondary schools. Now retired, she is able to write nearly every day, and has two more novels she hopes to publish, and another one in progress.

Sue Day author of Who Your Friends Are

NEW IN 2023


Sally-Ann has never been further from home than Scarborough. She is suffocating in her parents’ house, fed up with their old-fashioned rules and bored with her job. Then Terry comes in to the library where she works to look at maps for his “trip around the world.”
‘What’s your name?’ he asks her. ‘Zita,’ she lies. But becoming Zita is not so simple.

Susan Day deftly leads you into Sally-Ann/ Zita’s life and adventures, her coming of age, discovery of life’s unpredictabilities and growing old. Her skilful depiction of the characters brings them to life and you'll miss them and wonder about them when you’ve turned the last page.

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Who Your Friends Are, is the entwined stories of two girls, from infants’ school to what we can only call maturity -(quite advanced maturity.) It is written partly in the first person by Pat, and partly by Pat in the form of short stories based on her friend Rita and her family of sisters.

The reviews of Who Your Friends Are on Amazon are pretty nice – but Sue suspects they were written by people who know her. Too modest Sue!

Pamela, is a teacher at the end of her career. The death of her twin sister and the fall-out from that has an impact on her and the wider family. Her own coming to terms with it is slow and difficult as she reflects on and is intertwined with flood events from 1953, with the Great Sheffield Flood, and the more recent flooding in 2007.


Jen admires her father and Frank believes that his daughters are happy, but no one in any family knows the whole story.
This family has fractured before, and been patched up by secrets and evasions.
Now things are about to change.


"A book that makes you think. Susan Day expertly tackles the relationships within families and their dynamics; her characters are very convincingly drawn and deſtly written. Thoughtful and entertaining."  Steven Kay, author of The Evergreen in Red and White


Joan Jones leads a quiet and orderly life until she receives a postcard from an old boyfriend.
Viv feels on top of things until she becomes intrigued by the new member of her choir.

Bill is hoping for someone to love. Road trips, crises and confusion ensue. 


Nothing is more important to Lynn and Dave Wilde than family: two married daughters and a newly married son, Jamie. Jamie's wife, Niecey, is an enigma – she appears to have no family, no friends and no past. Jamie discovers, by accident, two birth certificates and consults his parents and sisters about what this might mean: are they Niecey’s children? Does this explain her constant wandering around the city, her hovering outside school gates? The secret gradually comes out…

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